I wanted to come clean about a certain Brad Eastman, a web designer and erstwhile blogger, purporting to live in The Gardens, East Dulwich, London SE22.
Some time last year, when I was at work in a library, a young man, a kind of Brad Pitt look-alike, came in desperately looking for a book about Spinoza, the great enlightenment philosopher. I tried to help him but sometimes you can tell from the start when a customer is not really interested and is simply wasting your time and theirs.
But "Brad" as I shall always think of him inspired me to create a character, a kind of modern-day, urban version of Hesse's Siddhartha. I thought he would start off happily enjoying a hedonistic life but some traumatic experience would send him off on a search for truth and meaning.
So I have to apologize to anyone who has been taken in by this ruse. Should you wish to discuss and explore the issues raised in east of east of dulwich, or for that matter East of Dulwich, please feel free to comment after the normal fashion.
Hmmm... I'm not sure what I think of this. Is this not a recursive step too far? There seems an immanent danger of the whole expreriment disappearing up its own.
Whoever you are, I admire your audacity. I’ve always agreed with Wilde that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. So, a fortiori, claiming authorship of my work equates to little short of idolatory.
Please keep it up. My fragile ego thanks you.
You really don't get it do you. I don't "write" this blog, the blog writes me.
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