Monday, 4 June 2007

You're my favourite waste of time

Those who know me will know that I am the Master of Procrastination. But even by my own high-standards of time-wasting, I have surpassed myself. It is now one week to go until my first exam and I estimate that I have done approximately 7 hours of revision so far.

OK, these are just internal ones -- they even don't call them "exams" but rather "sessional tests". But all the same, I don't want to sit in that room next Monday thinking, "hmm this looks familiar but I've completely forgotten what 'immediate justification' means."

So having problems getting down to study - what do I do? I find something to do when I should be studying - blogging for example. So which came first? Like the chicken-egg dead heat, what would come out of a photo-finish between the avoidance activity and the mental block. In other words, am I not revising because I'm blogging or am I blogging because I am unable (or unwilling) to settle down to revision.

It doesn't help that the JobCentre closed down my claim for the heinous crime of going to Paris for 48 hours. If I'd gone to Belfast or Shetland - that would have been fine. But leaving Her Majesty's Dominion means that not only do I lose money for all three days when I breathed that filthy Gallic air but I have to complete all my forms, attend initial interviews, all adding up to about 3 hours of time which might have been better spent, er, looking for a job. Or revising. Or, for that matter...blogging.


Jim Pryor on the Regress Argument
Objections to Foundationalism
Ordinary Standards Skepticism


Scruffy Mummy said...

Blogging and web forums are the ultimate procrastination tool - totally deadly!

Greedy McMoneyless said...

"Sessional Tests"; "Spinoza"; "immediate justification"... there's a good chance I know you!

East of Dulwich said...

SM - If it wasn't for these 21st century distractions, I'm sure it would be something else -- like sorting out my sock drawer.

Antarctic HH - well the world of amateur philosophy is not a large one and I suspect from your allusion to Russel Square that you are acquainted with bbk, or perhaps ucl? Does this get me out of having to make up the 8 fictional facts? I've only got five so far.

Greedy McMoneyless said...

No it does not - in fact, it heightens the requirement!

Anonymous said...

Alright already, but you didn't specify a time about 7 working days from my last "exam"? (I usually work every Thursday between four and five o'clock).