Friday, 3 August 2007

Kosmic meanderings

As the last sandal of time is squeezed into the suitcase of eternity, I just have another couple of minutes to say goodbye to the land of snow, salmiakki and Koskenkorva. (And indeed Salmiakki Koskenkorva)

Last night, after a drink or three at Strindberg and Palasi, we ended up at my favourite restaurant in the whole wide world, namely Kosmos . What I had set my heart on was Baltic herring and mash potatoes but because of the recent stroms, the fishing fleet has been unable to put out to sea but no matter. I enjoyed some delicious kuha (pike perch) in a sauce of crayfish tails. After a Bushmills in Helsinki, we staggered home.

Woke up this morning from a strange dream involving a football match between Brazil and Italy. Italy won. And whether it was something about the dream or about going back to London, I felt a desperate sadness which hung about for an hour or two.

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