Well, half way through the
tango workshop at Thomas More Hall this afternoon, I was thinking about sneaking out and going home. As we reached that stage, yes
that stage where they actually expect you to string a series of movements together
and remember them next time, I realized that I had gone way past the boundaries of my natural competence.

I just couldn't make any sense of it and exhortations to imagine a box, or a figure of eight fell on deaf ears and reticent feet. However, by the final dance, I felt like I'd made some progress and claire even congratulated me a bit. It really does make a difference who you're partner is though. One of the women was so nervous I could feel her shaking while others (everyone was a first-timer) were completely natural, gave me helpful hints and didn't appear to mind as I steered them into other couples, tables, plate glass windows, etc.
I write this from the
Albert Hall where fiddler
Joshua Bell plays Ravel's Tzigane. The word, "haunting" comes to mind. I immediately cast it out. What does it mean? That it could be good background music for a horror flick? If I was watching it on telly, I would be able to tell you that his face is beaded with sweat, his entire frame tensed against the anguish of the music. But I can't, and as Bělohlávek brings in the orchestra I realize, that one of the red-coated stewards is giving me a dirty look and it's time to hide away my laptop before I get thrown out. Still, as Kaarina would say...
bloody marvelous.
Not relevant at all I'm afaid, but I've been trying to get to grips with all those east of east of bits and pieces. And can't.
So I'll stop trying, and just enjoy your current incarnation.
Worry not beta mum, I have exactly the same problem...just a case of short... (what was it again?) attention span...- will probably start up westofeastofdulwich quite soon.
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